Adept gain “Investors in People accreditation”
Back to News24/01/14
We are proud to announce that Adept have now gained the “Investors in People accreditation”. This formalises our commitment to staff and their development which is part of the company’s ethos.
An extract from the findings of our assessment below:
Leadership; vision and strategy
The vision for being cutting edge is now a reality with the latest technology of Building Information Modelling (BIM) using Revit and 3D software packages being used by the majority of staff. Everyone is clear about the vision for the future (growth) and they can see how they will have an impact on ensuring that it happens. It is impressive how everyone is encouraged to have an interface with the client in order to manage excellent client relationships. It is recognised that it’s not good enough just having the latest technology and technical ability if the customer isn’t happy.
Culture and attitude
There is a very strong sense of ‘Team’ at Adept.
Employee Engagement
Coupled with the strong team culture it is evident that staff are empowered to be involved fully in decision making and to have an opinion that will be heard. It is important to have this culture of employee engagement in order to appreciate a return on the investment in people development as without it skills and attitude may not be fully utilised for fear of failure. The culture which supports employee engagement is one where feedback and recognition is evident.
Desire for best practice
In addition to the desire to have cutting edge technology and the skills an ability to use it there is a real drive for improvement in business best practice. The directors are keen to source information and guidance regarding best practice and have been very resourceful in doing so making best use of opportunities for development.
People Development
With key business objectives for people development from employing staff who are motivated and ambitious to investment in training and development. Adept are able to move towards their key business goal of being the best SME civil and structural consulting engineering practice in the use of BIM in Yorkshire by the end of 2014.